A heat shield attached to a Mossberg Maverick 88 or a Mossberg heat shield provides protection, toughness, and overall quality. The installations protect the shooter from too much barrel heat, improve the manipulation of the weapon, and provide a tactical appearance to the shotgun. In tactical use, home defense, or hunting, a heat shield is an addition that will come in handy. Are you someone who wants to gather more facts about the Mossberg maverick 88 heat shield, Mossberg heat shield? If Yes. This is the best place where people can gather more facts about the Mossberg maverick 88 heat shield, Mossberg heat shield. The Mossberg Heat Shield A Mossberg Maverick 88 heat shield provides vital protection from heat buildup on the barrel. Shotguns generate a tremendous amount of heat following repeated shooting, with gun handling rendered dangerous. A heat shield is there to provide a safe gap between the gun handler's hands and hot barrel and thereby avoid risk of burns and enhance...